We make Innovation of

Invisible Inspection.

Transforming industries with our neutron analysis technology.

A modern template to power up your business

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas condimentum pretium. Pellentesque ullamcorper ipsum sed scelerisque lacinia. Duis sollicitudin est augue.

A better way to pioneer

Maecenas et volutpat orci. Fusce nec fermentum leo, in elementum odio. Aenean feugiat nisl vel elit ullamcorper rutrum. Nunc dapibus felis vel congue mollis. Donec varius ligula non ex molestie consectetur ut eget felis

Trading value

Orders executed

Clients connected

Company Overview
We attach great importance
to technical value

Our Vision
interoperable platform

Maecenas et volutpat orci. Fusce nec fermentum leo, in elementum odio. Aenean feugiat nisl vel elit ullamcorper rutrum. Nunc dapibus felis vel congue mollis. Donec varius ligula non exmoles



Customer satisfaction

Monthly active user

Our Service
Logistics solutions

Maecenas et volutpat orci. Fusce nec fermentum leo, in elementum odio. Aenean feugiat nisl vel elit ullamcorper rutrum. Nunc dapibus felis vel congue mollis. Donec varius ligula non exmoles

 Sample text inside a div

 Sample text inside a div

 Sample text inside a div

Supply chain

In arcu augue, mollis at posuere sepagr armetigu avidamagna curabitur scelerisque

Contract logistics

In arcu augue, mollis at posuere sepagr armetigu avidamagna curabitur scelerisque

Digital solutions

In arcu augue, mollis at posuere sepagr armetigu avidamagna curabitur scelerisque


In arcu augue, mollis at posuere sepagr armetigu avidamagna curabitur scelerisque

A better way to pioneer

3I Solutions, Inc. is a company that seeks to provide innovative solutions to its customers based on the best technology and passionate team. 
We are leading the global market and contribute to the success of our customers' business by providing optimized solutions in various industries. 

Our Partners
Positive feedback from customers around the world

Aliquam consequat nisl at enim maximus elementum. Vivamus fermentum elementum felis, pellentesque tristique nisl tempus sed. Proin rhoncus mi nec risus.
Anthologia Corp
Electronic product sales
Donec ac nisi quis nibh efficitur ornare in id eros. Sed pulvinar non odio vitae finibus. Nulla lorem purus, vestibulum finibus justo.
Anthologia Corp
Electronic product sales
Aliquam consequat nisl at enim maximus elementum. Vivamus fermentum elementum felis, pellentesque tristique nisl tempus sed. Proin rhoncus mi nec risus.
Anthologia Corp
Electronic product sales
Nunc sit amet dolor suscipit libero tempus sodales. Nam rutrum neque ex, a dictum mi pulvinar quis. Suspendisse posuere accumsan porta. Phasellus congue elit libero, eu laoreet felis mattis ut.
Anthologia Corp
Electronic product sales

Our Partners
Bringing it all together


Trading value


Orders executed


Clients connected

Our Vision

Transferable Real-time Analysis Equipment

It would be good to write a description of the transfer-type real-time analysis equipment. Below, it would be good to write down the advantages that can be expressed numerically.

Customer satisfaction

Monthly active users

Our History


3I Solutions, Inc. is a company that seeks to provide innovative solutions to its customers based on the best technology and passionate team. We are leading the global market and contribute to the success of our customers' business by providing optimized solutions in various industries.

 벤처기업 등록

 Seed 투자 완료

 제품 계약


11 Seed 투자 완료: 

현대자동차(제로원), 현대제철, 현대케피코

11 중소벤처기업부 “23년 사내벤처 육성 프로그램” 선정

10 법인설립, 본사(수원시 권선구)

09 현대자동차 그룹 분사 승인

현대제철 내 TF “철스크랩 등급 개편 프로젝트”

03 벤처기업 등록

02 Pre-A 투자계약 완료

02 배터리재순환 동맹구축 3개 社 MOU 구축


현대자동차 그룹 사내 스타트업 선발 및 육성

Our Partners

Bringing it all together

쓰리아이솔루션(주) | 대표 신준영

본사 : 경기 수원시 권선구 산업로 156번길 142-10, A603

사업자등록번호 : 299-87-02915

전화번호 : 031-739-5845

이메일 문의 : ejh@3isol.com

@Copyright 쓰리아이솔루션(주) 2023. All Right Reserved.